Sunday, March 18
at 21 GRAND
416 25th St
at the corner of
Oakland's Broadway Auto Row
7 pm | $4
"ARMAND F. 'THE DEVIL' CAPANNA II RHSP CHICAGO W 16, L 10, K 150, BB 56, .327 ERA, 1.20 WHIP, CG 5, SO 2, HB 32, WP 4, BAA .217 (.250 R, .178 L), HR 15 BATTING H 15, .112 BA, 1 SB, 2 3B SCOUTS NOTES Excellent Staff Ace...Fireballer who gives batters 'the creepies'...biggest break on a back door curve I have seen a RHP have...student of the game, quiet, thoughtful, will teach young rookies...like having another coach...not a misprint hit 32 batters last year...will not be f&cked with...Ejected 5 times last year...Umpires tires later found slashed...clubhouse behavior is mixed, some like him, others hate him...stole Sammy Sosa's Barbie collection last year and strung the heads around his locker...When confronted Capanna told Sosa '[The Bodies] are in the ivy, where your children will be if you ever talk to me again you f&cking prick.' ...ruins lives...is responsible for Rick Ankiel's breakdown, Capanna was a September call up for the Cardinals that year and was upset that Ankiel got a spot on the postseason roster and not him, Ankiel will only acknowledge that 'He [Capanna] did things to my head, he got in my dreams. I can't get him out of my dreams. You devil I give in I will never pitch again!'...Methadone addiction, though has never done heroin...Gang affiliations...strange sexual proclivities...Will only wear 'throwback uniforms'...the devil...he's in my head...I can't get rid of him..."-Parker Zane Allen
Dodie Bellamy's essays and reviews have appeared in The Village Voice, The San Francisco Chronicle, Bookforum, Out/Look and The San Diego Reader as well as numerous literary journals and web sites.In January, 2006, she curated an installation of Kathy Acker's clothing for White Columns, New York's oldest alternative art space. With Kevin Killian, she has edited over 100 issuesof the literary/art zine Mirage #4/Period(ical). Her novel The Letters of Mina Harker (reprinted 2004 by University of Wisconsin Press, with an introduction by Dennis Cooper) is a Gothic thriller updated for the 21st century; Cunt-Ups (Tender Buttons, 2001), a radical feminist revision of the "cut-up" pioneered by William Burroughs and Brion Gysin, won the 2002 Firecracker Alternative Book Award for Poetry. Come join us in celebration of Dodie's latest, a cross-genre collection of pedagogical essays and fictions entitled ACADEMONIA (Krupskaya, 2006).
Sarah Lockhart screens Suburban Guerrillas, a work of cultural misanthropology that posits the inhabitants of America's cul-de-sacs as an exotic warrior tribe and depicts their rituals, environment and battles through cut-up Super-8 home movies with obligatory subtitles. Lockhart also premieres America's Favorite Movie-The Trailer, inspired by the conceptual work of Komar and Malamid, deconstruction directed by statistics.
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